
薄熙来私下会见加拿大总理不谈王立军, 哈珀搞笑薄笑不起来- 加拿大电视新闻报道(附英文原文)

        薄熙来与加拿大总理哈珀星期六在重庆的会谈避开了公众和媒体记者, 两人私下会谈时分坐在一个大会议桌的两边, 没有人谈起王立军事件给薄熙来未来带来的阴云。当哈珀试图用中国租借给加拿大的熊猫为话题搞笑轻松一下气氛时, 薄熙来没有笑。这是加拿大著名电视台CTV在星期六(加拿大当地时间)最新“热门话题”电视节目中的报道, 题目是"总理访问中国避开当地政治争议”。

        引人瞩目的是, 该报道中没有出现薄熙来和哈珀见面的镜头,甚至连薄熙来的照片都没有,网站上相应的电视画面是哈珀前天访问广州时与学生打乒乓球的镜头, 而照片是一张哈珀、哈珀太太及大熊猫的合影。英文原文报道在这里:


        关于这次会谈, CTV报道说:“这次会谈, 是几个与中国未来领导人的会谈之一,发生在哈珀没有在公众面前握手的情况下。相反,两人私下见面,避开了锲而不舍的记者的镜头。”

“最近几天薄的政治前途打上了问号。他的帮手王立军在一个美国领馆度过了一天, 怀疑是在被降职和重新任命后寻求政治庇护”

CTV还说, "星期六,哈珀与薄熙来分坐在一个大会议桌的两边,两人都没有提及笼罩在这位中国未来领导人头上的黑色乌云"。

 CTV 最后说,“当时,哈珀想增加一点轻松气氛拿薄熙来开一下玩笑,就说'更多的加拿大人会比其它任何事情都关心熊猫’, 但是,薄没有笑”.


PM avoids local political controversy on China visit

 John Size, CTVNews.ca
Date: Sat. Feb. 11 2012 10:37 AM ET

Prime Minister Stephen Harper seemed to cruise easily through a political controversy swirling around him during the final leg of his trade mission to China this week.

His last bilateral meeting was with an ambitious Chinese leader, Bo Xilai, a man who appears to have his sights set on the major leagues of that country's ruling communist party.

Bo is currently the southwestern city of Chongqing's communist party secretary and the son of a former high-ranking Chinese Politburo member. Bo is expected to be promoted to a similar post later this year.

The meeting, one of several with future Chinese leaders, occurred without Harper shaking his hand in public. Instead the two met in private, away from the prying camera lenses of journalists.

Bo's political future was cast in doubt in recent days after his protege Wang Lijun spent a day in a U.S. consulate, allegedly seeking asylum after he was demoted as police chief and reassigned.

"The Chinese say that Wang is gone to Beijing and is on vacation-style treatment," CTV's Roger Smith said in an interview.

"This did not come up during the meeting the prime minister had with Bo Xilai and it remains sort of a mysterious case of infighting that there aren't many details of in the media here,' Smith told CTV's News Channel Saturday.

In his role as top cop, Wang had helped carry out a crackdown on organized crime groups seen as part of a campaign to promote Bo.

On Saturday, Harper and Bo sat across from each other at a large conference table, neither acknowledging the dark cloud hanging over the Chinese leader's future.

But the meeting did end with a deal to send two giant panda bears to Canada for 10 years, something that indicates warming relations between the two countries.

Harper attempted to inject some levity into the moment by quipping to the Chinese leader, "More people in Canada will notice the pandas than anything else."

Bo didn't laugh.

注2:  CTV英文原文报道连接如下:
 http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20120211/harper-china-bo-controversy-20120210/ )

- 王立军逃亡美成都领馆全过程- 中美最高层全部介入(来自推特)
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- (组图) 王立军被团派国安副部长邱进押解去北京, 航班记录确认是在2月8日早晨8点
- 王立军事件, 陈良宇案的手法, 胡温要把薄熙来从中共十八大除名- 港媒报道
- 温家宝力阻薄熙来升职, 重庆是薄政治生涯最后一站: 维基解密美国上海领事馆电文
中国的教科书属于“秽史”,真实率低于5%,你考完试赶紧把它烧了 !
那么, 从哪儿能看到真实的中国现代史? 从《九评共产党》 !


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从谷歌网盘《真实的江泽民》 PDF电子书 (直接点击就可)

著名历史学家辛灏年: 《九评共产党》“能够如此坚强的、彻底的、不隐讳的在海外揭露中国共产党的历史和现状, 那是真正的爱国的表现,是爱中华民族的表现。”

现居中国国内的历史学家吕加平于2009年12月1日发表了《关于江泽民的‘二奸二假’和政治诈骗问题与要求调查的呼吁》文章, 却被当局在2011年5月判刑十年, 并于2015年2月保外就医。而江泽民的“奸”和“假”只是其全面败坏中国社会的基础而已。《真实的江泽民》让你全面认识江泽民和当代中国及世界现状。

